Multidimensional Alignment

Being all of yourself is a joy. Multidimensional Alignment is a path to fully embodying all of your authentic self and living into your potential to experience that “on purpose” feeling. 

I can help you uncover parts of yourself that may be hiding under the surface. As people, we often let aspects of our personality or certain preferences “drop off” over time because of comments other people make, judgments we internalize, trauma responses, and so many more reasons. That can lead to feeling lonely, lost, and confused about our next steps. 

Our work together won’t focus on why you’ve streamlined your personality, but on reactivating what makes you YOU. Who you are is beautiful, wanted, and worth bringing forth. 

Amazingly, feeling good is just the beginning. Once you're in your groove, life starts showing up differently. Opportunities, resources, ease & excitement crowd out what you were tolerating before, replacing that with exactly what you've wanted. We call it Multidimensional Results because all areas of your life lift up once you're in alignment with your whole self.

Who do we work with?

If the paragraphs above resonate with you, we’re probably a fit!

We welcome ADHD, autistic, extrasensory, creative, LGBTQIA+, & beings of all kinds

What do we offer?

We can assist you in specific outcomes like Aligned Income, Intuitive Development, & Creative Success. We know that no one fits into a box. Your coaching journey will be completely customized to your desired outcomes.

Intimate Alien also offers coaching sessions so if you’re looking for deep, direct, joy-filled direction, check that out here.

how a Coaching session usually flows

Before session each session I check in energetically and ask how I can be most beneficial to you. I’ll get a word or quick image. Sometimes it’s the focus of the session, but other times it only validates what you come with.

I’m not a therapist or mental health practitioner so we won’t be delving into your past trauma or any mental health conditions. We’ll focus on what you want your life to feel like and how you can most easily get there. We’ll be looking for YOU and what lights you up. 

Emotions may come up during a session. That’s OK :) And we’ll address any memories or triggers that may pop up. But for the deep or persistent stuff, I’ll refer you to a licensed therapist.  

Clients leave the session feeling lighter, happier, and with more clarity than when they came. And since our insides change our outsides, that will have a dramatic effect on your daily life. 

Ultimately, my goal is to help you align to your dream life. I will keep re-focusing you there until what you want shows up physically. It’s pretty magical :)

Where to go next:

If you’d like to learn more about coaching or see what our clients have said about working with us, you can find that on our Coaching Page.